Like sands through the hourglass

In this interview, Pamela Paul, author of “Parenting, Inc.”, slams Baby Einstein while also neatly summarizing my early childhood daycare experience, courtesy of my grandmother:

Baby Einstein is one of the most successful marketing bamboozlings of the American parenting marketplace. There is absolutely no evidence that Baby Einstein makes your baby smarter. We forget that 20 years ago, there was no programming for babies. If you wanted to really occupy your kid, if you didn’t have a playpen, or if that wasn’t enticing, you just turned on the TV and stuck them in front of “Days of Our Lives,” and they would stare at it. The fact is that they may even have gotten more from “Days of Our Lives” than they would from Baby Einstein, because it was actual human faces emoting, as opposed to these random blaring images.

Oh, how I long for the days of Totino’s Pizza, “Days” at noon, and Grandma Dorothy. (Via)

March 31 2008