Scripture spam

In a thoughtful move designed (intelligently, no doubt) to fall near my birthday, a group called CityReachers will be distributing a quarter-million bibles with the Sunday Post-Gazette in a manner similar to free soap or snack food samples.

I’m not sure what Jesus would say about such a waste of resources, but it probably wouldn’t be very encouraging. I emailed the group to see if the Good Book is recyclable. I hope they answer my call.

One can’t fault the Post-Gazette’s decision to distribute the book, as it should bring the newspaper over $100,000 if the figures in the story are correct.

However, it’s fun to imagine what the response would be if a FSM sticker, an Atheist tract, or, even better, a copy of the Qur'an was sent out with every Sunday paper. Xenophobia abounds.

May 12 2008