Posts tagged religion

Predicting the next Pope's name

Rogers Cadenhead, Florida’s best asset, on his quest to go 2-for-2 in pontifical domain picking.

March 12 2013 · Link

Scripture spam

In a thoughtful move designed (intelligently, no doubt) to fall near my birthday, a group called CityReachers will be distributing a quarter-million bibles with the Sunday Post-Gazette in a manner similar to free soap or snack food samples.

I’m not sure what Jesus would say about such a waste of resources, but it probably wouldn’t be very encouraging. I emailed the group to see if the Good Book is recyclable. I hope they answer my call.

One can’t fault the Post-Gazette’s decision to distribute the book, as it should bring the newspaper over $100,000 if the figures in the story are correct.

However, it’s fun to imagine what the response would be if a FSM sticker, an Atheist tract, or, even better, a copy of the Qur'an was sent out with every Sunday paper. Xenophobia abounds.

May 12 2008 · Link

Clarifying my position

PZ Myers, unarguably the most famous UMM internet celebrity, nails down in half a sentence the very same thing I was thinking about as I got ready for work this morning:

…when Christians back off and don’t make their ridiculous superstitions a prerequisite to participation in politics and everyday life, they are entirely tolerable.

To which I may add my thoughts on the aforelinked stories on prayer to deter crime and lower gas prices: as a means of personal comfort, or even as a vehicle to assemble and inspire people to action, prayer is fine, if sometimes a bit humorous. Whatever floats your boat.

But to cede personal responsibility and thought to the workings of a supernatural force – such as believing that prayer will save an 11-year old girl from “spiritual attack” – is lazy, dangerous, and, in this example, perhaps even criminal.

April 30 2008 · Link

Leapin' Larry's Prayer Proclamation

The mayor of Birmingham, Alamaba, puts his head in the sand and issues a (poorly-written) edict to pray the crime away. Yeah, that will work.

April 27 2008 · Link

Putting Candidates' Religion to the Test

Booyah. “Would you also agree that someone who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old and that Noah’s Ark is an event in zoological history would not be an effective leader on issues such as stem cells, climate change, and renewable resources?”

February 5 2008 · Link